Speki. Nordic Philosophy and Education Review 2024-06-17T10:25:29+02:00 Torill Strand Open Journal Systems <p><em>Speki</em>, old Norse for wisdom, is a Nordic peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the philosophical, theoretical, normative and conceptual problems and issues in educational research, policy and practice. Speki practices academic hospitality by inviting and welcoming new as well as established voices in the field. This journal is not the expression of any one philosophical or theoretical school or cultural tradition. Rather, the journal promotes exchange and collaboration among philosophers, philosophers of education and educational and social science researchers throughout the Nordic countries. Contributions that address this wide audience, while clearly presenting a philosophical argument and reflecting high standards of academic quality, are encouraged. The journal publishes articles in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English.</p> Intrinsic dignity 2023-10-13T16:42:02+02:00 Lia Bahizi <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">Dignity has often been used to signify a ground for a particularly serious kind of moral consideration, the scope of which has been debated. Therefore, I argue that an inclusive conception of dignity is central in determining the normative aims of education, and the moral responsibilities that adult teachers should have in learning relationships with children. The aim of the paper is to argue for a view of dignity as a regulative ideal beyond the dichotomy of moral agents and patients that can be (imperfectly) realized through moral perfectionism. In this article I show how commonly held neo-Aristotelean and neo-Kantian interpretations that view dignity as an intrinsic value grounded in certain capacities, mainly the capacity for reason, can have limiting implications for the view of children as moral subjects. By presenting alternative interpretations of Aristotle and Kant, I will seek to challenge these limited views on dignity and expand the conception of dignity to not only being grounded in certain capacities of moral agents and patients, but in morality itself. The argument leads to problematizing moral perfectionism in education that is not counter-balanced by moments of transcending our own intentions to be good.</span></p> 2024-02-09T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lia Bahizi Exemplets didaktik 2024-01-11T16:11:39+01:00 Marie Hållander <p>This article is a philosophical investigation of the use of examples as a didactic practice in religious education. Context is the religious diversity and religious education in Sweden. It is here common to use examples to concretize, clarify and provide knowability of the content taught. Drawing on Giorgio Agamben's philosophy of examples, I argue that an example stands for itself. In its specificity and singularity, it also moves towards what is visible next to it. An example contains a movement between two singularities. This is not a movement between the part and the whole or between the particular and the general. Rather, it is a movement which involves more than just questions on methodology (and subject didactic questions). It also involves ontological issues. I thus argue that the use of examples in teaching has the potential to function as a didactic strategy, which can have implications for students' subjectivity. Overall, the article is a theoretical contribution which show how the use of examples in teaching has the potential to function as a vital didactic strategy within teaching.</p> 2024-02-09T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marie Hållander Perversionens dialektik 2024-01-15T11:13:26+01:00 Frederik Boris Hylstrup Olsen <p>This article examines a fundamental affective emergence that can occur in the researcher: a perverse joy of encountering phenomena in the world that can be unpleasant to be confronted with, but which nevertheless, and maybe because of this, establishes the relevance of the research matter. It may be, for example, that fundamentally non-pedagogical conditions are discovered in the pedagogical research during the fieldwork. The article examines how affects of revulsion and disgust encountered in this process can have productive potentials for critical thinking. It is discussed how particularly educational philosophy can be informed by disgust and anger, and how this dialectic of perversion can say something about whether the institutions of society call for educational criticism.</p> 2024-02-09T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Frederik Boris Hylstrup Olsen Democratic engagements with negativities in education and public school 2024-06-17T10:25:29+02:00 Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen <div> <p class="NoSpacing1"><span lang="EN-GB">In this article, I argue that the neoliberal order and its close link to the notion of educationalisation make education—and public schools more specifically—an instrument for political problem-solving and labour market agendas; this, then, makes it difficult for educators to act like public intellectuals with the freedom to create spaces in which one can think, talk and act in ways that are not framed by dominant and instrumental policy. Inspired by Rancière’s and Mouffe’s political work, psychoanalytical thinking and by means of educational examples that stem from (trans)national policy documents (one from the OECD and two from the Danish Government), I describe and analyse how the neoliberal order, including the notion of educationalisation, frames today’s education and can prevent democratic engagements from being a part of Danish public schools. One of the reasons is the strong focus on producing a productive and skilled labour force that successfully secure national economic growth and deliver what the neoliberal labour market desires. This focus contradicts both educators’ and students’ intellectual freedom on a daily basis, which is (still) regarded as vital to supporting education in general and in public schools in particular. Failure seems inevitable. However, failure can be a success for democracy, meaning that some ‘failures’ must be embraced because they are a condition for a living and flourishing democracy.</span></p> </div> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen Schleiermacher’s Outlines of the Art of Education 2023-10-30T15:24:15+01:00 Morgan Deumier 2024-02-09T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Morgan Deumier Boken – en forutsetning for danning, humanitet og demokrati 2024-02-14T14:33:27+01:00 Paul Otto Brunstad <p style="font-weight: 400;">I «Bokens folk», en tittel hentet fra Koranen, drøfter den svenske professoren i kirkehistorie, Joel Halldorf, bokens rolle og fremtid i vår digitaliserte livsverden. For å forstå bokens aktuelle utfordringer legger Halldorf ut på en svært lesverdig og omfattende reise gjennom bokens historie, dens fremvekst og utvikling. Et sentralt trekk i denne historien er konsekvensene tekniske endringer i måten tekst skrives, lagres og leses på, får for mennesker og samfunn. Et gjennomgang av hovedlinjene i boken følger her.</p> 2024-03-19T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Paul Otto Brunstad Fremmed i en verden vi selv har skapt 2024-03-20T14:29:08+01:00 Line Hilt 2024-04-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Line Hilt