Paradigmatic innovation in European cultural journalism: the pursuit of sustainability


  • Dora Santos-Silva NOVA University of Lisbon - School of Social Sciences and Humanities



This article examines paradigmatic innovation (innovations in business models, mindsets and organizational values) in European cultural journalism. I hypothesize that paradigmatic innovation acts as a driver for innovations in product, process and positioning, and address two research questions: 1) How are the media innovating regarding their paradigm, both general and specifically in the culture section? 2) How does paradigmatic innovation affect the overall editorial positioning, including cultural scope and coverage, product and processes? Findings suggest that we are witnessing a paradigm shift in business models in the digital environment, challenging traditional boundaries related to editorial and branded content and expanding the revenue sources beyond the editorial core. I conclude that media innovation is firstly a paradigmatic innovation which impacts sustainability, the editorial products and processes, as well as brand positioning and extensions. The article proposes four types of paradigmatic innovation based on the analysis.

Author Biography

Dora Santos-Silva, NOVA University of Lisbon - School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Assistant Professor at NOVA University of Lisbon - Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in the Communication Sciences Department.


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