About the Journal

As of June 2024, the journal is discontinued.

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Media Innovations explores how changing technologies and changing modes of usage and engagement with media bring about innovations in media.

The Journal of Media Innovations emphasises innovations in the following areas:
* New media services
* New players in the media landscape
* New roles of users
* New practices by existing media organizations

Users of digital media are becoming increasingly more active as producers (and re-distributors) of content, contributing to new services, new social constellations and new business models. Over the last decade a number of studies have focused on how Internet and mobile communication impact media services, business models and strategies, and user patterns. The Journal of Media Innovations builds on this large body of research, and takes it one step further by explicitly integrating perspectives on the roles of media technology and innovation, with perspectives on the roles users have in generating innovation and transformation in the media sector.

Peer Review Process

All submissions are subject to double blind peer review. Typically two external reviewers are requested for each submission. The reviewers do not know the identity of the author, and the author will not get the names of the reviewers. Submission are free of charge. There is no publication fee.

Submissions are judged in light of the following criteria:

Is the topic relevant to the general scope and focus of the Journal of Media Innovations?

Does the article show an innovative approach in a theoretically, methodologically or thematically way?

Are the main claims articulated and argued for in ways that will be clear to readers from a wide range of disciplines?

Does the article show strong familiarity with and consistently good use of the literature directly relevant to the article's main arguments, supporting claims, and likely readers?

Does the article contribute to our knowledge of media innovations in a significant way?

Reviewers are recruited based on their expertise - i.e., as relevant to a specific article.  Reviewers are typically given four weeks to submit a review.


Publication Frequency

The Journal of Media Innovations is published twice annually. Each issue is comprised of 4-6 articles and book reviews.

Open Access Policy

The Journal of Media Innovations provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Free of charge for all

Submission are free of charge. There is no publication fee


We are very grateful to the Department of Media and Communication and Fritt at the University of Oslo for technical and financial support in establishing and publishing The Journal of Media Innovations.

Journal History

The Journal of Media Innovations was founded as a central initiative of The Centre for Research on Media Innovations (CeRMI) at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo.