Research Brief: Innovation for New Revenue Streams from Digital Readers: The Case of VG+


  • Jens Barland Gjøvik University College



Media Innovation, Management, Economy, Revenue Streams, Social Media, Paywall, Schibsted, VG


This case study of VG+, the platform for paid digital content published by the Norwegian media outlet VG,
reports a process of innovation for new revenue streams in the digital news market. As is typical of such
media innovations, development and change have been stepwise and gradual, responding continuously
to experience. Data gathering and mapping of users’ behaviour have been crucial for these innovations.
Such knowledge about users has informed changes to the product, resulting in growth of customers and
revenue streams.

Author Biography

Jens Barland, Gjøvik University College

Associate Professor in media management and innovation, Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology


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Research Briefs