Waugh’s Work Suspended and Other Stories and The Loved One in Spain


  • Cristina Zimbroianu Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Evelyn Waugh’s works were translated in many languages and studied by scholars and journalists from numerous countries. In Spain, Waugh’s almost entire oeuvre was translated after the Francoist dictatorship. This article analyses the reception of two of Waugh’s novels ― Work Suspended and Other Stories and The Love One― during and after the Francoist regime. In order to undertake this research, the censorship files guarded at the General Archive of the Administration in Alcalá de Henares were consulted as well as the monographs and newspaper articles produced during and after the totalitarian regime. These documents prove that during Franco’s period only one novel passed successfully through the censorship department, and the other one was studied mainly after the Francoist regime.

Author Biography

Cristina Zimbroianu, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Cristina Zimbroianu I have studied the English Degree, the master’s in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and defend the doctoral thesis The Reception of Evelyn Waugh in Spain in Romania at the University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain. Currently I am a professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid and Technical University of Madrid where I teach Academic English, English skills for B2 level and English for Academic and Professional Communication applied to Telecommunication Engineering.



How to Cite

Cristina Zimbroianu. (2020). Waugh’s Work Suspended and Other Stories and The Loved One in Spain. Dialogía, 13, 189–221. Retrieved from https://journals.uio.no/Dialogia/article/view/7656


