Harry Potter and the Linguistic, Cultural Ethnocentrism: Some Reflections on the Americanization of J.K. Rowling’s books


  • Silvana Núñez-Becerra Universidad de Santiago de Chile


This article analyses the intralingual translation carried out on the Harry Potter book series for their publication in the US, as well as the repercussions that this translation had on these books. Even though the analysis presented here is limited to a translation within a single language, the conclusions obtained may also be applied to the field of the interlingual translation of literary texts. In this sense, this article seeks to show how either domestication alone or its combination with foreignization distorts the meaning and aesthetics of a literary work. Furthermore, this article discusses the consequences of domestication and foreignization for the relation between dominant and dominated cultures, as well as the ethical dilemma they pose.

Author Biography

Silvana Núñez-Becerra, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Silvana Núñez-Becerra works as a lecturer at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). She holds a MA in Translation and Interpreting Studies by The University of Manchester and a BA in Linguistics Applied to Translation by USACH. Her main areas of research interest cover the study of interaction between translation and cultural ethnocentrism and the influence of translation on the access to specialized knowledge. Correo electrónico: silvana.nunezb@usach.cl.



How to Cite

Silvana Núñez-Becerra. (2020). Harry Potter and the Linguistic, Cultural Ethnocentrism: Some Reflections on the Americanization of J.K. Rowling’s books. Dialogía, 12, 3–29. Retrieved from https://journals.uio.no/Dialogia/article/view/8083


