Sánchez Camargo, Martín (Coord.), Prevention of plagiarism in the university context: training before sanctioning, Universidad de Las Américas Puebla, 2020, ISBN: 978-607-8674-36-7, 224 pages.


  • Federico Altamirano Flores Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga (Ayacucho, Perú)


The daily management of the abundant availability of information sources and documentation on the Web exposes users to practices that naturalize the fact of copying what another says without referring to who said it. Those who have a Facebook profile know that it is normal to "share" an entire text, almost never explicitly recognizing its origin. Perhaps it is not obvious at first glance, but we can understand these communication routines as naturalized practices of plagiarism and anonymity that, due to their frequency, seem not to be objectionable.



How to Cite

Altamirano Flores, F. (2021). Sánchez Camargo, Martín (Coord.), Prevention of plagiarism in the university context: training before sanctioning, Universidad de Las Américas Puebla, 2020, ISBN: 978-607-8674-36-7, 224 pages. Dialogía, 2(15). Retrieved from https://journals.uio.no/Dialogia/article/view/9282