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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

How to submit your article

Send an electronic copy of your article to the editors at

Do not send a hard copy of the article. All submissions should be preceded by a header containing the title of the manuscript and certain information about it, the name(s) of the author(s), any affiliations, mail and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers.

Please also include an abstract in English of around 100-200 words after the header, along with 6 keywords which relate to the subject areas of the article.

Depending on the opinion of the editors or external evaluators, articles will be either approved for publication without alteration, or approved subject to modification, or declined.

Submission criteria

Articles should contain a significant element of original research. They must not be under review with another journal. They must not have been published elsewhere (including online or in a different form or different language). Articles must be in a complete form at the time of submission, including full bibliographical references.

Diacritics, language(s) and use of scholarly conventions

Diacritics should be marked correctly throughout and made entirely in a Unicode-compatible font, preferably Arial Unicode MS (Microsoft Word), Times New Roman (for Vista) or Lucida Grande (AppleMac).

We welcome articles written in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

The text must conform to accepted scholarly conventions for the field in which you are writing. For further details, please consult the Journal's style sheet.

Manuscripts should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, the MLA (Modern Language Association), or other standard guidelines, and should preferably be submitted in a fully formatted word processor version in accordance with the style sheet.

Greek, Cyrillic, and other non-Latin characters may be transliterated. Authors planning to use an Arabic font other than Baghdad on the Macintosh should consult one of the General Editors. Please avoid using decorative fonts. Depending on the nature of the submission, the computer platform, and the program and fonts used, the editors may also require a PDF file or hard copy highlighting the special fonts included in the document.

Further guidelines

Scholarly manuscripts pertaining to any of the areas mentioned in the Journal's Editorial Policy are welcome. The Journal will also consider publishing review articles concerning software, communications, book reviews, and software reviews, although such material will not normally be solicited, and books and software will not be distributed for review. (The policy of publishing submissions of these kinds is currently being reassessed.) Any software reviews submitted to the Journal should discuss primarily the relevance of the software for applications in the field of Arabic and Islamic studies rather than technical issues.

Papers will be subject to peer review by appropriate members of the Editorial Board or external evaluators selected at the Editor's discretion.

Further guidelines for contributors

Scholarly manuscripts pertaining to any of the areas mentioned in the Journal's Editorial Policy are welcome. The Journal will also consider publishing review articles concerning software, communications, book reviews, and software reviews, although such material will not normally be solicited, and books and software will not be distributed for review. (The policy of publishing submissions of these kinds is currently being reassessed.) Any software reviews submitted to the Journal should discuss primarily the relevance of the software for applications in the field of Arabic and Islamic studies rather than technical issues.

Papers will be subject to peer review by appropriate members of the Editorial Board or external evaluators selected at the Editor's discretion.

Research articles, communications, and unsolicited reviews must be submitted according to the Submission Procedures described below.

Submission procedures

For the convenience of authors, the Journal treats submission and publication as a two-stage process. All authors should follow the guidelines for submission. The guidelines for publication concern only those authors who have been informed by the Journal that their work has been accepted for publication.

  1. Authors should send submissions as e-mail attachments to the Editors, <>
  2. All submissions should be preceded by a header containing the title of the manuscript and certain information about it, the name(s) of the author(s), any affiliations, mail and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers. The header should be formatted as in the following example:
  3. In the case of Research Articles please include an abstract of no more than 150 words after the header.
  4. Depending on the opinion of the editors or external evaluators, articles will be
    1. approved for publication without alteration,
    2. approved subject to modification, or
    3. declined.


Style Sheet

Paper size (A4) and margins

Top: 3.5 cm; bottom: 7.2 cm; left: 4.0 cm; right: 4.0 cm

Gutter: 0; Header: 2.54 cm from edge; Footer: 6 cm from edge; Gutter position: left

(gives a text height of about 19 cm and text width of 13 cm)

Fonts, typesetting and copy-editing

Arial MS Unicode; Times New Roman (Unicode); JaghbUni; Lucida Grande (Mac).

main body: font size: 10 pt, line spacing 12 pt

footnotes: hanging by 0.8 cm; tab after footnote number; footnote text: 8.5 pt; line spacing 10 pt

block quotations: font size 10 pt; indentation 1.0 cm (paragraph indentation for 2nd and following paragraphs in block quotations: 0.4 cm; line spacing: exactly 12 pt, before first paragraph 6 pt, after last paragraph 6pt

page numbers: automatic from word processor

title (A-level): alignment: left, size 14 pt, not bold; spacing: before 32 pt, line spacing 16 pt

author (place/institution): alignment left; size 12 pt, author name in small caps, place in "(...)" no small caps ; spacing: before 32 pt, after 20 pt; line spacing 16 pt

place/institution: size 10 small caps, centered, size 8 space after

abstract: font size 8.5 pt, begin with flush paragraph

B-level subheads: 12 pt, 23.6 pt before, 10 after paragraph, line spacing 10.4 pt

C-level subheads: 10 pt bold, 10 pt before paragraph, 2 after, line spacing 12 pt

Paragraph indentation: 0,5 cm; no indentation after title and/or subhead; no indentation after block quotation

Notes may either be embedded in the text (author-date system) or placed at the bottom of the page as footnotes. Endnotes should not be used in fully formatted documents. The Journal does not require that all authors adhere to the same system for references to sources or other notes, but consistency is expected.

In US English, use the double quote character ("...") for quotations, and the single quote ('...') for sub-quotations. Or the British system may be used if spelling is British. Please use 'smart,' quotes, as here, and avoid confusing apostrophe with hamza or 3ayn, which are separate characters.

Adjectival and adverbial hybrids formed from foreign words (example: "Hanbalite") should not be italicized.


Rules for Citation and Provision of Electronic/Web Files

In order to ensure future access to electronic materials cited by our authors, as well as ease of finding the parts of such materials referred to, the Journal has established the following policies. These policies will remain in effect until suitable alternatives, hopefully reflecting agreed international standards, become available.


  1. All freely accessible electronic/Internet files cited by authors, including any links used, must be be sent in their entirety to the Journal as e-mail attachments or on disk. Names of all files and links must be kept in the original form. Shortened MS DOS titles are not allowed, unless these are the original file names. This means that most of the files in question must be downloaded to and sent from a machine running on an operating system not limited to MS DOS file names. For example machines running on Macintosh, UNIX, or Windows 95 or above should work. Windows 3.x systems cannot be used for this purpose if file names exceed 8 plus 3 characters (after dot).
  2. Images linked to files do not have to be sent unless they are of particular relevance to the author's purpose in citing the file.
  3. Limited Access Files. In the case of files with limited access (commercial publications and the like), the URL or name of the CD and the original name of the file should be provided, but only the name of the author, the title of the article/book/report (etc.), and the text immediately referred to need be sent. Files from well established and widely distributed limited access journals in electronic form do not have to be sent.
  4. Files grouped together in a single directory/folder should be sent together in a single e-mail, if possible, and the original name of the directory/folder should be given in the body of the e-mail message.
  5. Authors without access to machines capable of downloading and sending files with full names and extensions should keep a record of these and notify the editors care of and
  6. Files sent by e-mail should be sent to and


For most articles, the Journal recommends for the citation of printed and manuscript sources the guidelines given in the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. ( Chicago and London : University of Chicago Press , 2003). An extension of the Chicago style to electronic files that may be helpful, is described in Andrew Harnack and Eugene Kleppinger, Online! A Reference Guide to Using Internet Sources ( Bedford / St. Martin 's), which also gives the MLA, APA, and CBE styles, as well as links to others. The extended " Chicago " style for citing Web sites, e-mail messages, Web discussion forum postings, listserv messages, newsgroup messages, real-time communication, Telnet sites, FTP sites, Gopher sites, and linkage data can be consulted here. The other three styles, as well as links to other citation systems can be accessed through Online's "Citation Styles" index.

The electronic sources most often consulted by Journal authors will as a rule be articles and reports on the Web. For such sources the Chicago style requires (Harnack and Kleppinger's order slightly altered):

- author's name (if known)
- title of document, in quotation marks
- title of complete work (if applicable), in italics
- date of publication or last revision (if known)
- URL, always in full, including final file name, but no longer in brackets, but in roman typeface without underline, separated by commas
- text division (if applicable)
- date of access, in parentheses [no longer required by Chicago, but often useful]. JAIS prefers the inclusion of both publication and access dates.

A reference to the present file on citations would look like this, if you visited it on June 2, 2001:

  • Joseph N. Bell, "Rules for Citation of Electronic/Web Files," Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Home Page, 30 May 2001, (02 Jun. 2001).

or like this, assuming the link is to be treated as active in the file:

  • Joseph N. Bell, "Rules for Citation of Electronic/Web Files," Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Home Page, 30 May 2001, (02 Jun. 2001).

Special JAIS Suggestions

An obvious weakness in most of the citation systems proposed is that they lack the precision of traditional paper citations. They generally do not go beyond the end file in the path, and the search capabilities of Internet browsers do not entirely make up for this. Below we propose how certain types of files may be cited and provide a number of examples.

  1. Adobe Acrobat PDF files, if paginated, should be cited by URL and page numbers, as with printed documents. If they are not paginated, they must be cited as HTML (HTM, STM, etc.) files, as specified below.
  2. Postscript (.PS) files should also be cited by URL and page numbers, as with printed documents.
  3. MS Word files, since they vary according to the platform on which they are read, must be cited not only by URL but also as unpaginated HTML (HTM, STM, SGML, etc.) files, as specified below.
  4. Paginated HTML (etc.) files, where the intended pagination is expressly given as part of the text (for example, as in the JAIS HTML files), should be cited by URL and page numbers, as with printed documents.
  5. Longer unpaginated HTML (etc.) files should be cited by URL and section and paragraph numbers, if these are given. If there are no section or paragraph numbers, or the sections or paragraphs are of great length, the file may be cited by URL and the following (preceded by a comma):

at ts. [text string] "xxxx."


at tss. [text strings] "xxxx" and "yyyy."


from ts. "xxxx" to "yyyy."


from tss. "xxxx" to "yyyy," "xxxx 1 " to "yyyy 1 ," and "xxxx 2 " to "yyyy 2 ."

where "xxxx" stands for a characteristic string of words (usually 2 to 10) identifying the text section in question and "xxxx" and "yyyy" stand for characteristic strings of words identifying the beginning and ending of the text section. Choose strings more or less precisely at the beginning and end of the passage cited which are are of sufficient length or sufficiently unusual to make their occurrence earlier in the text unlikely. Please do not forget to enclose the text strings in quotation marks. For articles in languages other than English, the precise, standard equivalent of the expressions "text string" and "text strings" should be used. Abbreviations must be approved by the editor for the language in question.

Below are some examples of acceptable citation forms.

  1. For short files only:
    1. Jane Doe, "Options and Lack of Options," 14 Feb. 1996, (15 Feb. 2000).
  2. B.  For PDF and other paginated files (the abbreviations "p." and "pp." may be omitted if the reference can only be to pages):
    1. Jane Doe, "Options and Lack of Options," 14 Feb. 1996,, pp. 6, 26, 30 (15 Feb. 2000).
  3. C. For unpaginated electronically published books, long reports, and the like (section, paragraph, article, etc., may be abbreviated or replaced by appropriate symbols, or another alternative to section and paragraph might be, for example: chapter 3, at text string "unusual proliferation of options," as below):
    1. Jane Doe, The Theory of Options, June 1998,, section 1, paragraph 2 (15 Feb. 2000).
    2. Jane Doe, "Report on Options," 14 Feb. 1996,, 1.5.2 (15 Feb. 2000).
  4. D. For long unpaginated files lacking or with widely separated text divisions:
    1. Jane Doe, "Options and Lack of Options," 14 Feb. 1996,, at ts. "John's new red house" (15 Feb. 2000).
    2. Jane Doe, "Options and Lack of Options," 14 Feb. 1996,, from tss. "John's new reed house" to "by the Red Sea " and "parting of the waters" to "Pharaoh's army."

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.