"Sawfa lā/lan yafʿal-" et "lā/lan sawfa yafʿal-": Étude de cas sur corpus pour une grammaire didactique et renouvelée de l’arabe moderne


  • Manuel Sartori




From surveys made on the Internet, in newspapers and in novels written in Modern Standard Arabic, this article shows the existence of other forms of negation in the future than that of lan + subjunctive. It demonstrates that the so called MSA grammar books are, once again, descriptively inadequate when facing the reality of the texts. While arguing for a renewal of the teaching of the MSA grammar, this article shows that these forms are actually much older than it appears and proposes assumptions to analyze the conditions for their emergence. More specifically, the article proposes after Larcher and on the basis of non synonymy to see in the joint existence of several forms of negations in the future a probable reorganization of the negation system where, on logical and pragmatic bases, the difference would be made between a descrip-tive negation on one hand and a modal negation (= denial) on the other.

Keywords: Arabic linguistics, corpus, denial, descriptive negation, didactic, future tense, Ibn al-Ḥājib, Ibn Hišām al-ʾAnṣārī, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), MSA grammar books, modal negation, Raḍī al-Dīn al-ʾAstarābāḏī, Zamaḫšarī


How to Cite

Sartori, M. (2017). "Sawfa lā/lan yafʿal-" et "lā/lan sawfa yafʿal-": Étude de cas sur corpus pour une grammaire didactique et renouvelée de l’arabe moderne. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 15, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5617/jais.4655


