i - Deciphering the Binary Code “Egyptian versus Foreigner” in Egyptian Cinema


  • Delphine Pages-El Karoui




In 2016, emigration is more than ever a massive phenomenon in Egypt which both strongly affects the everyday lives of Egyptians and is central in Egyptian cultural production. This article aims to explore how the Egyptian cinema contributes to forging a binary code that differentiates between “Egyptian” and “For-eigner”. It argues that Egyptians who live abroad may also be perceived as potential foreigners for those left in Egypt. After briefly describing the corpus of seven emigration films, the article sketches a cartog-raphy of the geographic imaginaries of migration, which is paradoxically more oriented toward the West, while in fact the majority of Egyptians abroad are in the Gulf. Finally, it demonstrates how movie directors have produced a very pessimistic vision of emigration, in a manner that is equally critical of the countries of arrival as of Egyptian society. Their discourse on the theme of the migrant’s identity, on the personal, familial and national levels, resonates with the social imaginary concerning migration, which is dominated by a nationalist paradigm. Are we nevertheless witnessing the emergence of a transnational cinema, that is, one that envisages the possibility of an identity that is simultaneously of here and elsewhere?

Key words: Egypt, cinema, migration, transnational, foreigner


How to Cite

Pages-El Karoui, D. (2017). i - Deciphering the Binary Code “Egyptian versus Foreigner” in Egyptian Cinema. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 16, 368–384. https://doi.org/10.5617/jais.4757



Living 2016