(i) Ritual Ablution and Cultic Purity in an Ismaili Context: The Siǧistānian View


  • Antonella Straface




The paper, which is a continuation of my previous research on the Siǧistānian view of the pillars of Islam, aims at analysing the interpretation of ritual ablution (wuḍūʾ) and cultic purity (ṭahāra) according to the tenth-century Ismaili dāʿī Abū Yaʿqūb al-Siǧistānī. In the last of his works, the Kitāb al-iftiḫār (The Book of the Boast), this outstanding Ismaili missionary also devoted attention to the Islamic ritual prescriptions. These obligatory duties, whose performance al-Siǧistānī fully recognised, conceal an inner meaning that can be unveiled through the tradition of the taʾwīl, the esoteric interpretation that, according to the Ismaili doctrine, allows the muʾmin to achieve his salvation.

Key words: Ismailism, pillars of Islam, ritual ablution and cultic purity, taʾwīl


How to Cite

Straface, A. (2018). (i) Ritual Ablution and Cultic Purity in an Ismaili Context: The Siǧistānian View. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 17, 268–279. https://doi.org/10.5617/jais.6118



Islamic Law and Minorities