(b) On Some Arabic Roots and Their Etymological Relevance


  • Zeus Wellnhofer




One of the features of Arabic is the distinction between the pharyngeals ʕ / ḥ and the velar/uvular fricatives ġ / ḫ. The present article will focus on a number of Arabic roots containing one of these four consonants. Such a comparison may contribute to further investigations concerning the following two objectives: First of all, to consider the possibility of loanwords in early Arabic, or Semitic, that might explain the existence of two different roots with similar meaning. And, secondly, to take into account the possibility of semantic interference between different roots. Moreover, the question of semantic interference and inner-Semitic loans deserves some attention due to its relevance for etymological considerations.

Key words: Etymology, semantic interference, loanwords, Arabic, Gəʿəz, Hebrew, Syriac


How to Cite

Wellnhofer, Z. (2018). (b) On Some Arabic Roots and Their Etymological Relevance. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 17, 322–331. https://doi.org/10.5617/jais.6123



Approaches to the Etymology of Arabic