Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

This privacy policy describes how UiO collects and uses personal data in FRITT. The policy contains information to which you are entitled when collecting information (Personal Data Act - GDPR Article 13, 1) and general information on how we handle personal data (Personal Data Act - GDPR Article 5, 1).


FRITT is a publishing service for researchers and the academic community at UiO who want to start peer-reviewed Open Access journals, or convert existing journals to Open Access.

The purpose of the service

The publication service FRITT stores peer-reviewed articles for researchers and the academic environment at UiO and some personal data is also stored.

This personal data is collected:

  • Name
  • Phone
  • E-mail address
  • Address

No sensitive personal data is stored. The personal information is manually registered.

Visitor statistics

Various actions (search, search function, etc.) are compiled and registered in order to use statistics. This is done in such a way that no data can be traced back to each individual user.

Exchange with third parties

Information about articles published in FRITT is hosted by the third party system, like Google and CrossRef ( Of personal information, only author names are shared.

Security measures

Login and authentication

System users and participants in editorial processes need to log in to FRITT. Users are authenticated as local users.

Securing the information

All data traffic in and out of FRITT is encrypted over HTTPS. Administrator user information is stored in a closed database internally in the application.

Your rights

Your rights with respect to the right to access, correct and erase, as well as the contact points for these, are described in  UiO’s privacy policy.

Data controller

In accordance with the Personal Data Act, section 2(4), the Director of the University bears overall responsibility for controlling personal data (see the University of Oslo’s privacy policy).

Changes to the privacy policy

The University of Oslo Library reserves the right to make changes to the privacy policy at any time. Any such changes will apply from the moment the updated privacy policy is published on this website.

Further details about privacy policy of this journal are available here: