Carvalho Under Construction: Yo maté a Kennedy


  • Miquel Bota



Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, experimental novel, noir novel, Carvalho’s series, the assassination of JFK, genre, patriarchy, machismo


Yo maté a Kennedy (1972) has been mostly read as a harsh critique of post-world war II American capitalism and as well as an experimental novel that exemplifies the neo-avant-garde movement of its time. In this article, I defend a reading of the text based on the application of R. Williams’ concept ‘structures of feeling’ on artistic social recreations. I propose that beyond challenging the American status quo of the sixties, Vázquez Montalbán explores how this particular form of capitalism impacts his main character, Pepe Carvalho, and also himself as a communist author. In the narration, the writer recreates an ironical game between Carvalho, the author and many intellectuals of the time wherein the invasion and acceptation of capitalism is unstoppable. In a manipulated control of internal and external tensions, the narration builds a novel that shows the importance of a specific approach to Otherness in American patriarchy capitalism as a key piece of the specific structure of feeling that guides the novel’s characters development and its influence in the western world. In this sense, the changes based on the implementation of this structure will impact the rest of the Carvalho saga. 

Author Biography

Miquel Bota

es doctor en culturas ibéricas y latinoamericanas por Stan-ford University. Es profesor de Estudios Hispánicos en California State University, Sacramento. Es autor del libro The Contestation of Patriarchy in Luis Martín-Santos’ Work (Palgrave, 2020). Su área de investigación y publicación se centra en la revisión y la reinterpretación de la producción cultural ibérica contemporánea, con especial énfasis en los estudios de pa-triarcado, masculinidades e imperialismo. Como especialista en literatura y cultura contemporáneas sus artículos más recientes incluyen: “The Case of the Catalans: The Forge of an (Anti)Empire” en On the Uses and Abu-ses of Early Modern Spanish Culture (University of Amsterdam Press 2021); “Ageing and the Rejection of Inheritance in Josep Maria Benet i Jornet’s Testament and Ventura Pons’ Amic/Amat” en Ageing Men and Masculinities in Contemporary Spanish Literature, Bulletin of Spanish Studies (Routledge 2021); “Los puentes a la isla de Bergai: El cuarto de atrás o la temporalidad y la estructura del encontrarse,” en Del salvaje si-glo XIX al inestable siglo XX en las letras peninsulares: una mirada re-trospectiva a través de hispanistas (Vernon 2021)”; “El 23-F de Opera-ción Palace. El (in)movilismo de una ‘alegría’ televisada,” en 2021: La odisea del 23-F (Vervuert 2021); “Cántico: más allá del aire,” en Dicenda (2021); “Por la patria y Arráncame la vida: la amistad entre mujeres como elemento (des)estabilizador del status quo” en INTI. Revista de literatura hispánica. Vol. 1. Nº 93-94 (2021); y “Afectos y política en Mi colegio: una lucha agendada desde el margen,” en Artes del ensayo (Spring 2020). Actualmente está trabajando en su segundo libro: The Spanish Pacific: Contemporary Imperial Dilusions of Grandeur y en la edición de Dislo-cated Empires. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Spain and the United States.


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2022-01-15 — Updated on 2022-01-15
