Call for manuscripts: Special issue on “Challenges of Nordic primary care”


Primary care is a cornerstone of the health care systems in the Nordic countries. However, it faces numerous challenges that have implications for the organisation and provision of healthcare in years to come. One such challenge is the increasing demand for health care of an ageing population, implying an additional strain on already limited resources and highlighting the need for improved coordination between primary and secondary care. Another challenge is equal access to health care, particularly in areas where there are shortages of medical personnel. Reforms changing provider payment and increasing competitive pressure also bring up inequality in health care as a potential issue. The introduction of digital care services offers a possible way to increase access to primary care but implies, among other things, an organisational challenge.


Under the theme “ Challenges of Nordic primary care” Nordic Journal of Health Economics calls for manuscripts that analyse various challenges of primary care in the Nordic countries today. The challenges, broadly defined, may illuminate challenges related to organisation of primary care, health care provision and health outcomes etc.  Welcome to submit your manuscript up to and including 31 January 2021. Please note that the manuscript should contain maximum 5000 words (NJHE also offers the opportunity to publish supplementary material online).