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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal Agarica publishes original contributions within different aspects of mycology. Various types of manuscripts will be considered, including:
- research papers
- reviews
- short comments, max. 4 pages

In addition, Agarica also publishes (without peer review):
- notes (small commentaries)
- book reviews and reports from events
- popularised annotations based upon more comprehensive scientific articles

Agarica accepts contributions in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and English. In principle, there will be one volume of Agarica per year. We wish your manuscript welcome!

The manuscript
Use Word or Open Office format (.doc, .docx, .odt). Research papers shall use the following structure (based on the IMRaD method: Introduction-Materials/methods/research areaResults-(and)-Discussion):
- English title
- Author(s) and affiliation(s)
- E-mail address to the corresponding authors
- Norwegian title
- Key words in English (max five, listed alphabetically)
- Norwegian key words (max five, listed alphabetically)
- Norwegian abstract
- English abstract
- Introduction – including a clear aim of study
- Materials and methods
- Results and discussion (together or on separate chapters)
- Conclusion (not mandatory)
- Acknowledgments
- Reference list

AGARICAs articles in the latest volume can be used for guidance for manuscript layout.

It is important to note that manuscripts for peer review have to follow the layout of a research paper including a clear aim of study. Potential management guidance must be of a general character. Articles presenting new species for Norway should be kept short (short com format) or included in a larger context.

Formatting and layout
The text should be delivered without any formatting as plain text in font Times New Roman size 12 points and single line spacing. Scientific names of genera and species should be written in italics. Other use of italic, bold, or petit should be avoided.

Provide tables in Word and give them serial numbers. Tables should always have an explanatory English text as a heading. Use 10 points letters. Maximum size is 14 x 17 cm (i.e. not an A-4 size). Larger tables that have to be split on several pages are not desired. The tables shall be referred to in the text. The table captions are included at the end of the manuscript. Please indicate in the text where the table should be inserted. For manuscripts in one of the three Nordic languages, an English caption should be added. Send tables as separate files, always with the authors’ name indicated.

Supplementary data
If supplementary data are provided (i.e., not suited for the printed version), it can be published on the Agarica web page. In the text, it is referred to as follows: Supplementary material 1.

Illustrations shall be given a serial number. Digital pictures should have a resolution of 300-600 dpi. They ought not to be larger than 5 MB. The pictures should be adapted to a width of one or two columns (i.e. width ca 6.5 or 14 cm, respectively). Please leave it to the editorial board to do most of the image adjustments and send preferably non-adjusted originals. The figures shall be referred to in the text. Please include the figure captions at the end of the manuscript. Please indicate in the text where the figure should be inserted. For manuscripts in one of the three Nordic languages, an English caption should be added. The name of the photographer (and preferably the year) should be mentioned. Illustrations SHALL be submitted as separate files, preferably as jpg-files, and the authors’ name must be included in the file name.

Names for species
For manuscripts written in the English language, use only scientific names. Vernacular names are given only if they are of particular interest. The name (s) of the author(s) should be given only at the first mention of the species.

Data referring to finds/collections of specimens
Information on finds should preferably be given in the following way: Country, county, municipality, locality, UTM code or degrees of latitude/longitude, ecological data, date, name of finder (leg.) and determinator (det.), herbarium (according to Index Herbariorum).
Not all data may be present but inform about as much as possible.

Literature cited in the text
The reference list (References) shall only include the literature referred to in the manuscript. The examples given below cover only the most common situations.

One or two authors:
……….according to Stensrud and Schumacher (2005), or
……. as confirmed by previous findings (Stensrud and Schumacher 2004).

If more than two authors:
…..according to Wollan et al. (2015), or
….as confirmed by previous findings (Wollan et al. 2015)

When citing several papers:
….as confirmed by previous findings (Wollan et al. 2012, Gulden and Høiland 2014, Hanssen 2015)

References list

Journal article:
Gulden G, Bendiksen E, Brandrud TE, 1977. A new agaric, Squamanita fimbriata sp. nov., and a first find of S. odorata in Norway. Norwegian Journal of Botany 24: 155-158.

Please do not abbreviate the name of the journal.

Bendiksen E, Høiland K, Brandrud TE, Jordal JB, 1998. Truede og sårbare sopparter i Norge – en kommentert rødliste. Fungiflora, Oslo (publisher, city).

Chapter or independent article in a book:
Læssøe T, 2008. Squamanita Imbach, in: Knudsen H, Vesterholt J, (Eds.), Funga Nordica. Nordsvamp, Copenhagen, pp. 516-518.

Supplementary material to an article:

Supplementary material in the current paper:
Supplementary material 1: Table with complete species list. Available via

Supplementary material in a previously published paper:
Wollan AK, Bakkestuen V, Kauserud H, Gulden G, 2010. Predikasjonsmodellering av
storsoppers utbredelse i Norge, basert på herbariemateriale [i.e. the authors, year of publication, and the title of the actual article]. Supplementary material 1, Available at

Articles from Internet:
Agarica accepts only material from websites that can be trusted, i.e., databases from museums, research institutes or universities, or online journals or Wikipedia or other net
encyclopedia (be critical when employing data from net encyclopedia).

Internet articles or documents: Name of author(s) or application, year of publication, and title followed by: Available via link to the web page. Assessed April 15, 2019.

The Norwegian Mycological Database is referred to as follows:

In the text at the first citation: ….. according to the Norwegian Mycological Database (NMD
2016)…, then: …..according to NMD (2016)…..

In the reference list: Norwegian Mycological Database, NMD, 2010. Natural History Museum,
University of Oslo, Norway, Assessed March 15, 2019.

Artsobservasjoner (Artskart, Artsdatabanken, Norgesglasset og andre nettadresser) refereres
slik: Artsobservasjoner, 2010, navn på institusjon,
Assessed March 15, 2019.

The content of articles submitted to Agarica should not have been previously published. However, Agarica can agree to presentations of the content of an article in other connections. Agarica does not claim any copyright to illustrations. If excerpts (pictures, maps, tables etc.) from copyrighted works are included, the author(s) must obtain written
permission from the copyright owners and also credit the source(s) in the article.

Proofs and reprints
The corresponding author will receive a pdf-file of the article shortly before the printing process begins. The author should then contact Jon-Otto Aarnæs ( as soon as possible to make any necessary corrections. After this, only some minor adjustments in the layout may take place. The corresponding author will receive a copy of the volume of Agarica as soon as the volume has been published, plus a pdf of the final paper.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.