The Future of Food Computing: Deepening the Scope by Broadening the Network


  • Maija Kāle
  • Ramesh Jain



In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using food data in various areas of computer science. Food, as a fundamental necessity for human sustenance, undergoes complex processes from farm to fork, involving physical, biological, intellectual and emotional dimensions. The need to ensure the effective and sustainable functioning of global food systems, while addressing human and environmental challenges, necessitates the development of food computing. But the question remains: How should food computing evolve to address fundamental issues in the food systems? While global sharing of data, information and
knowledge is a way forward, we propose to increase the effectiveness of this sharing by transcending narrow disciplinary boundaries and engaging a wider range of stakeholders to address practical challenges
facing human society. We argue that food computing requires a multidisciplinary approach that is expansive in both scope and effectiveness. We envision a future where food computing serves as a comprehensive computational infrastructure for all aspects of food, including its production, consumption, and impact on individuals and the environment. The field of Food Computing is highly relevant to Digital Humanities (DH) researchers. By actively engaging in this area, DH researchers can make substantial contributions and shape the trajectory of future food systems, taking into account the intricate interplay of cultural, social and ethical complexities.




How to Cite

Kāle, Maija, and Ramesh Jain. 2023. “The Future of Food Computing: Deepening the Scope by Broadening the Network”. Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications 5 (1). Oslo, Norway:70-78.