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Sjekkliste for innleveringen

Forfatteren må krysse av for at innleveringen oppfyller kravene som listes under. Innleveringer som ikke oppfyller disse, kan bli returnert til forfatteren.
  • Manuskriptet er ikke tidligere publisert. Det er heller ikke til fagfellevurdering i noe annet tidsskrift. (Gi en forklaring i feltet «Kommentarer til redaktøren» om annet er tilfelle.)
  • Filen er levert i Microsoft Word eller som RTF-fil
  • Om mulig, er URL-adresser til alle de nettbaserte referansene oppgitt. URL-adressene må være klikkbare (f.eks.
  • Teksten har: enkel linjeavstand; 12-punkts skrifttype som normalskrift (helst Times New Roman); kursiv i stedet for understreking (unntatt i URL-adresser); aldri fet skrift (unntatt i overskrifter, kursiv er ellers eneste uthevingsmåte); og alle illustrasjoner, figurer og tabeller er satt inn på rett plass i teksten.
  • Hvis manuskriptet sendes inn til en fagfellevurdert seksjon i tidsskriftet, at instruksen for å sikre anonym fagfellevurdering er fulgt.


NorDiNa accept articles that present new knowledge on science education as empirical research, theoretical perspectives and results from research based development projects. Articles on related topics such as technology are also welcome. In addition to scientific articles we publish contributions such as descriptions of curriculum development and ongoing projects, short abstracts of dissertations in the field.

Language: Articles and other contributions are accepted in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and English (UK). All articles should have an English title and abstract, 100 – 150 words, regardless of the language the article is written in. If the article is written in Danish, Swedish or Norwegian the title should appear in both the Scandinavian language AND in English (UK).

Please pay attention to the Instructions for Ensuring a Blind review in bullet number 5 on the Submission Preparation Checklist below

Length of contributions: Preferred length of manuscripts for articles is 5000 words, with a maximum limit of 8000 words, including references, tables and figures. Descriptive contributions should have a length of maximum 5000 words.

Document format:

  • Please submit manuscripts electronically in Word format with margins 2.5 and line spacing 1.5. Use Times New Roman, 12 p and the text formatted as Normal.
  • Do not use straight right margins or indentation for first line in a paragraph. Make instead a full blank line for each new paragraph.
  • Keep figures and tables where they belong in the text. Provide them also in separate files; one file for each table/figure, name them Figure 1 etc. Submit them as supplementary files.
  • Usually two levels of headlines are used, in addition to the article’s title. Indicate level of headlines this way: Use 18 p for the first level of headlines, use 14 p for the next level. If you have a third level of headlines, this should be indicated by 12 p, bold and italic. Make sure all your headlines are formatted as Normal, not as Headline 1, 2, 3 etc.
  • Please avoid using footnotes.
  • All quotations should be in italics, long quotations should also be indented.

References: References are placed at the end of the manuscript, following APA style. In the following we provide some common examples. In running text references are given as (Alexandersson & Fransson, 1978), alternatively: Alexandersson and Fransson (1978)… Note that “&” is used within the parenthesis, while “and” is used when the reference is given in running text. Several references are given as (Driver, 1983; Hodson, 1996, 1998; Millar & Driver, 1987). Note the use of comma and semicolon, and that references are given alphabetically, not chronologically. If there are up to five authors in one reference all of them should be listed at the first occurrence in the text. In subsequent references to the same work, “et al.” is used. In the list of references all authors are listed if there are up to six authors; “et al.” is used if there are more than six. Wherever available, the digital object identifier (DOI) number of the reference should be stated. References are listed at the end of the manuscript as follows:

Journal article:

Gunstone, R., & White, R. (1981). Understanding of gravity. Science Education, 65(3), 291-299. doi: 10.1002/sce.3730650308

Note that Volume is in italic, while Issue is not.


Wellington, J., & Ireson, G. (1999). Science Learning, Science Teaching. New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203059876

Chapter in a book:

De Jong, O., & Talanquer, V. (2015) Why is it Relevant to Learn the Big Ideas in Chemistry at school? In I. Eilks, & A. Hofstein (Eds.) Relevant Chemistry Education. From Theory to Practice (pp. 11-31). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. doi:10.1007/978-94-6300-175-5

When there are only one editor ”Eds.” is changed to ”Ed.” Note that initials for given name are placed before surname for editors. In running text reference is given to the chapter (De Jong & Talanquer, 2015), not to the book where it is published.

Conference publication:

Hadjerrouit, S. (2010). An Empirical Evaluation of Technical and Pedagogical Usability Criteria for Web-Based Learning Resources with Middle School Students. In D. Gibson & B. Dodge (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (pp. 2231-2238). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Internet publication with author and year:

Andersson, B. (2000). Om ämnesdidaktikens natur, kultur och värdegrund. Retrieved April 15, 2005, from Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik Web site:

Web page without author or year:
Naturfagsenteret (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2005, from


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