Minnesvärda episoder i undervisningen- en studie av elevers episodiska minnen från en undervisningssekvens i biologi


  • Ola Magntorn Kristianstad University




This study explores primary school students’ abilities to recall events from a teaching sequence taking place 18 months earlier. The aim of the teaching sequence was to develop students’ ability to read nature in a river habitat. The concept reading nature has to do with an ability to recognise organisms and relate them to material cycling and energy flow in the specific habitat which is to be read. In this study the aim is to analyse the episodes the students recall in order to find patterns in students’ views of memorable learning events. Combining the affective and cognitive domains by first hand experiences which challenge students’ everyday conceptions and to involve them in the design of the activities make lasting impressions in the long term memories of the majority of students. These memorable episodes can be useful to relate to in the further classroom teaching about the content knowledge of science in order to make it more meaningful for the students.



