Björn Andersson – et liv for elevene, lærerne og naturfagene <br /> Björn Andersson – a life for students, teachers and science


  • Svein Sjøberg Universitetet i Oslo



This article is written in memory of Professor Björn Andersson (1939-2013), the pioneer in the emerging field of science education research in Sweden. In 1976 he was the first to present a PhD in the field of science education in the Nordic countries, and later he became the first to hold a chair in this field in Sweden. The article lifts his PhD (Andersson, 1976) as an example for how a PhD should be written and argues that it should be re-read today. The theses has a clear purpose and research agenda, a well-argued theoretical foundation, a solid anchoring to classroom context, sound choices of methods, excellent analysis of empirical data, both qualitative and qualitative, and a clear presentation of findings and implications. In the decades that followed, Björn was the key person to build the field of science education research in Sweden. This article presents just a few aspects of his wide scope of interests and activities as they have unfolded on the national as well as on the international scene. Björn brought international perspectives to Sweden, and he also represented Sweden abroad. Now, nearly 40 years after Björn graduated, the field of science education in Sweden and the other Nordic countries is well established and flourishing.

Björn combined a series of qualities and can serve as a model for new generations: a concern for the learner, teachers and their classroom activities, and a care for coworkers. He provides an example of how to combine an academic activity with a devotion to improve the quality of teaching and learning.


Svein Sjøberg, Universitetet i Oslo

Professor, Science Education






In memoriam