About the Journal

Focus and Scope

CLARA Classical Art and Archaeology is a broad-scoped journal which covers a wide range of topics that can be termed antiquity studies. CLARA reaches out to scholars and students of the ancient world and encourages the submission of articles for peer review, chronicles, reviews and special issues.   

Peer Review Process

The CLARA peer review policy is established in order to ensure that all articles that are published in the journal hold a high academic quality. At least two peer reviewers are consulted for each article and if these disagree, a third referee will be consulted. The peer reviewers are recommended by the Editorial Board or chosen because of their field of expertise. All peer reviewers are international. Each submission is evaluated on the basis of subject; contextualization/presentation of ‘state of the art’; content; academic importance; discussion; language; style; independency; intellectual creativity; method of study; bibliography. There is also room for the peer reviewers to add other comments. Lastly, the peer reviewers will express whether they recommend the submission for publication. Authors can expect to receive the peer review comments within 4 weeks.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

CLARA Classical Art and Archaeology

CLARA is an Open Access journal hosted by the Museum of Cultural History at the University of Oslo and administered by an international Editorial Board. The main objective is to publish articles, essays, reviews and special issues of a high academic quality within the field of classical art and archaeology and make them accessible to a wide scholarly public.