Happy New Year!


Dear readers of CLARA,

Happy New Year!

We hope you have had a pleasant holiday, despite the current health crisis and social restrictions.

2021 will be an especially happy year for CLARA, as Bente Kiilerich has accepted the offer to be this year's editor-in-chief!

Kiilerich is professor of Art History at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen (Norway). Her primary research interests fall within Classical Archaeology and Byzantine studies. She is highly professional and handles all tasks she commits to with efficiency and care. Having published several articles in CLARA and co-edited Special issue no. 1, she is well acquainted with the journal, its profile, author guidelines and routines. We are certain that the journal will prosper under her guidance and editorship.

You will find Bente Kiilerich's academic profile at these links:




The other pillars of the editorial staff will continue their important and indispensable work:

Astri Karine Lundgren, MA: Editorial Assistant

Kristin Bornholdt Collins, PhD: Language Consultant and Editorial Assistant

Marina Prusac-Lindhagen, Associate Professor, founder, will remain Journal Manager.