CLARA Review: Nava Sevilla-Sadeh, 2022: The Secrets of Classical Beauty. Exploring Greek Aesthetics In Art And Thought. Simple Story Digital Publishing


  • Maria Chidiroglou National Archaeological Museum Department of the Collections of Vases, Metal and Minor Arts Artefacts


The book by Dr. Nava Sevilla-Sadeh, titled The Secrets of Classical Beauty: Exploring Greek Aesthetics In Art and Thought, is a well-researched, rich and interesting study of the concept and intrinsic value of Classical Greek beauty, as expressed in art and thought. Dr. Nava Sevilla-Sadeh is an art researcher, curator and adjunct Department Member at the Tel Aviv University. The subject of ancient Greek Classical beauty has been variously analysed in previous studies, yet this recent book by Nava Sevilla-Sadeh, published in 2022, bears a new and refreshing approach to the matter by combining ancient Greek literary references and commentary on ancient artefacts with comparanda of modern times and a critical exploration of Classical Greek and contemporary aesthetics.


