Cuneiform tablets, cylinder seals, stamp seals and scaraboids in the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo


  • Zoltán Niederreiter Department of Assyriology and Hebrew Studies Eötvös Loránd University Budapest



Cuneiform tablets, cylinder seals, stamp seals, scaraboids, Museum of Cultural History


The purpose of this paper is to present a diverse group of previously unpublished objects from the ancient Near East, several of which bear texts. Among the three cuneiform tablets, the first is a Middle Babylonian administrative text from the reign of Nazi-maruttash, the second provides a receipt belonging to the archive of Iddin-Marduk (reign of Nabonidus or Cyrus II) and the third contains a list counting smiths from the Neo- or Late Babylonian period. In addition, there are two cylinder seals: one depicts a presentation scene (Ur III period) and the other two ostrich-like birds (Neo-Assyrian or Neo-Babylonian period). Three stamp seals and two scaraboids, formerly held in the famous collection of Baron Plato von Ustinow, are also recorded and discussed. Finally, in a separate but related contribution, an Old Babylonian letter is presented by Zsombor Földi and the current author.


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