Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): At the table with Manolo: Gastronomy as cultural and political act
					View Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): At the table with Manolo: Gastronomy as cultural and political act

Monographic issue of MVM: Cuadernos de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán coordinated by José Colmeiro and H. Rosi Song.

After the publication of the monographic issue of our magazine "Memory, Narrative and History in the work of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán" coordinated by Juan Carlos Cruz, José María Izquierdo and Claudia Jünke, we published "At the table with Manolo: Gastronomy as a cultural and political act”, monograph coordinated by José Colmeiro and H. Rosi Song.

This monograph on gastronomy and politics in relation to the work of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán establishes new bridges of dialogue between the academic world and the world of culture. In addition to the essays that explore the various gastronomic texts of mvm, this issue recovers the significance that this writer had not only as the author of definitive culinary texts, but also as a promoter of new food habits and practices and as a fundamental figure within the gastronomic field of Catalonia and Spain.


Published: 2023-10-02


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