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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Submissions. Manuscripts in English or Italian are accepted for consideration. All manuscripts should be submitted electronically. All parts of the manuscript - abstract, text, footnotes, and figure captions - must be double-spaced, written in Times New Roman, font-size 12. Do not hyphenate words at the end of a line, nor justify margins. Om submitting to ACTA authors accept that there works is simultaneously published in a paper and electronic version. 

Peer review Prior to publication, manuscripts are reviewed by one or more scholars in addition to the editors. After reviewing the text, it will be returned the author who, if necessary, will be asked to make corrections/changes in the manuscript.

Abstract. Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of max. 15 lines (250 words) which outlines the problems discussed, materials, methodology, and conclusions.

Bibliography. The bibliography must contain full bibliographical information about all literature referred to in text/footnotes. 

a)      Books should be listed by author, date, title, place of publication, in that order (note: book title in italics; series, Festschrift, congress  acts etc., if preceded by a title, should  be put, non-italicized, between  brackets after  the title; if not preceded  by a title, the series, Festschrift and  acts should be italicized without brackets). In case an author has published more referred to works in the same year, add a, b, c, etc. after  the publication year (for example, 1998a, 1998b):

Brozzi M. & Tagliaferri  A. 1961: Arte longobarda, La scultura su marmo e su metallo, Cividale.

De Laine J. 1997: The Baths of Caracalla. A study in the design, construction, and economics of large-scale building projects in imperial Rome (JRA Suppl. 25), Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

Krautheimer R. 1965: Early Christian and Byzantine architecture (The Pelican history of art 24), Harmondsworth.

Puppi L. (ed.) 1998: Giambattista Tiepolo nel terzo centenario della nascita (Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Venezia-Vicenza-Udine-Parigi, 29 ottobre-4 novembre 1966: Quaderni di Venezia arti 4), vol. I, Padova.

Rohde-Liegle M., Cahn H.A. & Ackermann H.C. (eds.) 1967: Gestalt und Geschichte (Festschrift Karl Schefold), Bern.

b)      Articles follow  the  same  system  using  quotation marks for  the  title  of the  article, italics for the periodical or anthology  in which the article appears.  For abbreviations use the systems of the Deutsches archäologisches Institut (cf. website: For periodicals not in this list add your own abbreviations before the first title in the Bibliography or write the periodical's name in full:

Bartoloni G., Beijer A. & DeSantis A. 1985: "Huts in the central Tyrrhenian area of Italy during the protohistoric age", in C. Malone & S. Stoddard (eds.), Papers in Italian archaeology IV. Patterns in protohistory (BAR International Series 245), 175-203.

Fumagalli E. 1997: "Commitenza e iconografia medicea a Roma nel Seicento. Il  ciclo di affreschi di Palazzo Madama", Mitteilungen des kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, 41, 314-347.

Hall E. & Uhr H. 1985: "Aureola super Auream: Crowns and related symbols of special distinction for saints in Late Gothic and Renaissance iconography", ArtBull 67, 567-603.

Stengel P. 1912: "Hellotia", RE VIII.1, 197-198.


Footnotes. Footnotes should be confined mainly to bibliographical references. They should be written as foonotes and numbered consecutively. Observe the following:

  • Books and articles are cited by author's surname and date, as entered in the Bibliography, e.g.: Krautheimer 1965, 156-160; Rohde-Liegle et al. 1967, 12; Brozzi & Tagliaferri 1961, 45-46 (each entry separated by a semi-colon).
  • Do not use p., pp. or equivalents; Avoid f. and ff. or equivalents, make full page references writing the second number in its entirety (i.e. 123-127, not  123-7, nor 123-27).
  • Avoid op. cit., ibid., idem, eadem, lac. cit., supra, infra.
  • Make a distinction between the abbreviation of note(s) and number(s), in English = n(s). and no(s).
  • In the text and references place names should be written in the convention of the language in which the ms. is written, e.g. in English: Florence for Firenze, in Italian: Parigi for Paris. This is valid also for references to illustrations in a language different to that of the ms., e.g. in English: pl. not Taf.; in Italian: tav. not pl.

Abbreviations of ancient texts. For Greek and Roman authors use the abbreviations of Hornblower S. & Spawforth A. 1996, The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd ed., Oxford,  xxix-liv; names not  listed  there  may  be abbreviated in comparable fashion. For all use of abbreviations, however, it is essential that they are used with care and in such a way that even a non-specialist can easily find out or understand the full meaning. Use Arabic, not Roman numerals for quoted books, chapters etc., e.g.: Hom. Od. 3.141-147; Thuc. 5.36.1; 6.38.1-3.

 Illustrations. ACTA encourages the creative use of illustrations to illustrate the discussed materials, enhance the comprehension of data and emphasize important points. The illustrations appear in the running text and should be numbered consecutively (both on the illustration and in the text), e.g.: FIG. 3 (i.e. in caps). The FIG.-captions should be self-explanatory. 

Illustrations are reproduced in B/W. Good photographs of high resolution (line drawings 800 dpi, photographs minimum 300 dpi) made directly of the work to be reproduced are essential. Reproductions from books are not advisable unless in cases where other photographs are not obtainable. References to the work illustrated (e.g. place, museum, museum no., photo no., photographer, from where reproduced) should appear in the captions.

It is the author’s responsibility to ascertain rights to use drawings and photographs. In submitting photographs and drawings the author should indicate from whom permission to reproduce has been obtained. 

Proofs. The authors will receive one proof only. Only corrections against the manuscript will be accepted. Costs due to significant alterations in the text or footnotes after the article has gone to the printer’s will be charged to the author.

Off-prints. Authors will receive a copy of the ACTA in which their contribution appears, as well as a PDF of their article. Additional copies of ACTA may be purchased at a reduced price.

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