The Silver Castle Revisited—A Few Notes


  • Henk Blezer



After “Heaven my Blanket, Earth my Pillow” appeared in Acta Orientalia, 1 additional information has become available, which renders it both useful and necessary to revisit the topic. First, in fall 2008, in Redna Menling,2 I found the opportunity, in three hours of recorded interviews, to speak about the topic of the article to the learned ‘Me me’ mKhas mchog rdo rje, a long-time resident in the Khyung lung area and one of the last living disciples of Khyung sprul Rin po che (1897–1955); also known as Ga rgya 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje. Additional relevant publication also has appeared in the Samten Karmay felicitation volume:3 a contribution by Roberto Vitali on the bya ru can kings of Zhang zhung incidentally also comments on the location of Khyung lung dngul mkhar,4 and, in the same volume, there is an article by Charles Ramble5 on dKar ru grub dbang bstan 'dzin rin chen (b. 1801)—who, to our present knowledge, was the first person to record the Gur gyam mKhar gdong ri location of Khyung lung dngul mkhar in writing.



