”Jeg har forstået den sådan, at den ikke skal forstås”


  • Martin Blok Johansen Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Københavns Universitet Pædagogisk Socialfaglig Højskole, VIA University College




fagdidaktik, litteraturundervisning, uforudsigelighed, defamiliesering, adkomst, Franz Kafka


Which texts can justifiably be presented to children as part of teaching in school? That is the main question posed in this article. The jumping-off point for the article is an observational and interview study of a Danish second form’s reading and analysis of texts by authors like Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Marcel Proust. Based on an assumption that children’s literature should not necessarily protect children’s interests and immediate impulses but occasionally also be literature which they do not necessarily understand – something that gets them thinking, asks questions and maybe even shocks – a kind of literature that is studied experimentally is otherwise marginalized from the school’s teaching of literature, thereby discussing conceptions of what children’s literature is or can be. This discussion presents three concepts rooted in theory, i.e. unpredictability, defamiliarization and entitlement, which are subsequently used to get to grips with the empirical part of the study. The article does not attempt to depict a hard-and-fast picture of all children being equally enthusiastic about the new texts, but it does present a picture of a class in which explosive literary conversations are conducted about them. And irrespective of whether the child is one of those who enjoys the texts, whether the children are irritated, challenged or provoked by them, they are never experienced as non-descript or immaterial. Thus the article can also be regarded as a discussion of the distinctly specialist-didactic view that the teacher must choose literature specially geared towards children: literature with “a typography and layout that make it suitably easy to read, and a linguistic form and conceptual world appropriate to the pupils’ development”, as stated for example in the control document Fælles mål [Common Goals] used to plan day-to-day teaching in Denmark (Ministry of Education (UVM), 2009, p. 41).

Keywords: subject-related education, literature teaching, unpredictability, defamiliarization, Franz Kafka.



How to Cite

Johansen, M. B. (2015). ”Jeg har forstået den sådan, at den ikke skal forstås”. Acta Didactica Norge, 9(1), Art. 6, 20 sider. https://doi.org/10.5617/adno.1391


