Use of Transfer Teachers in Developing a Teaching-Learning Sequence: A Case Study in Physiotherapy Education in Finland


  • Niina Nurkka South Carelia Vocational College’s School of Health Care and Social Services



This paper describes how two transfer teachers implemented a teaching-learning sequence designed and developed by the model of educational reconstruction. This is part of a wider study where the purpose of the study was to determine how the understanding of moment of force and its applications can be improved by developing and evaluating a teaching-learning sequence on the moment of force in physiotherapy training. An eight lesson teaching-learning sequence was designed, consequently implemented and evaluated in two pilot studies and two teaching experiments. In the teaching
experiments the teaching-learning sequence was implemented by two Finnish teachers (transfer teachers) who were not engaged in the planning of the sequence. The teacher in the second teaching experiment followed the guidance notes better than in the first, which may have resulted from the changes in the teaching-learning sequence and adjustment of the guidance notes following the first teaching experiment. The results of this study can be applied in designing and developing teaching-learning sequences, lesson materials and guidance notes (including the guidance of the classroom discourse) for teachers.





