
Acta Didactica Norge
Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning
Universitetet i Oslo
Postboks 1099 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Besøksadresses: Moltke Moes vei 35, Niels Henrik Abels hus

Telefon: 22 85 50 70

Acta Dicactica Norge
Department of Teacher Education and School Research
University of Oslo
P.O Box 1099 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Visiting address: 35 Moltke Moes vei, Niels Henrik Abels hus

Phone: + 47 22 85 50 70

ISSN 1504-9922

Principal Contact

Eva Thue Vold
Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo
Phone 22855052

Support Contact

Torgeir Christiansen
Phone 22855070