Visions for Teacher Education – Experiences from Finland [VISIONS 2011: Teacher Education]


  • Sven-Erik Hansén
  • Liselott Forsman
  • Jessica Aspfors
  • Marina Bendtsen



The study of teacher education in different countries reveals that several basic problems seem to be quite similar, although we use different ways of categorizing and labeling constituting elements. These differences can be specific to certain contexts at least partly due to different traditions. For educationalists to understand and learn from each other on a global level it becomes important to find ways of communicating these traditions. This article is a meta-analysis of various empirical studies conducted by the authors and other Finnish researchers. The discussion entails exposing the plan and composition of some characteristic features constituting Finnish teacher education. However, the ambition goes beyond describing the state of affairs: Despite an unanimous appreciation of its design, both nationally and abroad, Finnish teacher education is facing many kinds of tensions and challenges which we have here characterized as dilemmas. The overall aim of this article is to discuss some of these dilemmas and also suggest some possible ways to deal with these. We will discuss four areas of dilemmas: (1) the organization of teacher education in higher education institutions and its internal organization, (2) the relationship between general and subject-specific didactics, (3) a research-based approach versus practice-oriented approaches, and (4) dilemmas involving the transition from education to work.



How to Cite

Hansén, S.-E., Forsman, L., Aspfors, J., & Bendtsen, M. (2012). Visions for Teacher Education – Experiences from Finland [VISIONS 2011: Teacher Education]. Acta Didactica Norge, 6(1), (Art. 9, 17 sider).


