Kunskapen i kyrkorummet Hur kyrkopedagogik skapar bredare förståelse av religion för skolelever


  • Sören Dalevi PhD., Universitetslektor i Religionsvetenskap, Karlstads universitet




In recent years, scholars in the field of Religious Education have noted a tendency to theorize and intellectualize in the teaching of this school subject in Sweden and Norway. The consequence of the theorization is that many who belong to a religious tradition do not recognize themselves when their religion is presented in class. This study is based on texts and images that pupils in a Swedish primary school class (ages 11-12) made after visiting a church. The study shows how the German method Kirchenpädagogik (Church pedagogy) can give primary school pupils a broader understanding of and insights into what religion can be. By visiting a holy place, pupils acquire knowledge of other aspects of the religion in question. The article shows that the learning the pupils themselves emphasize after meeting with a religious place primarily is of aesthetic nature.

Keywords: Religious Education • Kirchenpädagogik • Aesthetic learning • Church • Non-confessional

Nøkkelord: Religiøs utdanning • Kirchenpädagogik • Estetisk læring • Kirke • Ikke-konfessionell


