Er det mange måter å være norsk på? En empirisk studie av arbeid med minoritetsreligioner i religiøst mangfoldige barnehager


  • Kari-Mette Walmann Hidle Førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for sosiologi og sosialt arbeid / Institutt for naturvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder
  • Kari Krogstad Høgskolelektor i religion, livssyn og etikk ved Institutt for lærerutdanningsfag, Høgskolen i Telemark



The Kindergarten Framework Plan presupposes that children learn to know and respect all represented religions and worldviews as aspects of Norwegian culture. Recognition of religious festivals is a key method towards this aim. Based on a regional, mixed-methods empirical study, this article discusses kindergartens’ work with minority religions. Compared to other published studies, it is found that more kindergartens recognize id al-fitr. Narratives from minority religions are also more frequently used. Yet, most kindergartens do not work systematically with the Framework Plan. Consequently, kindergartens’ potential to demonstrate a paradigm of diversity against one of tolerance is discussed, and we make some practical suggestions.

Keywords: religious education • kindergarten • religious diversity • democratization

Nøkkelord: Utdanning i religion • barnehage • religiøst mangfold • demokratisering



