Hva er religionspedagogikk? Internasjonale perspektiver på den norske konteksten


  • Oddrun Bråten PhD. Førsteamanuensis, Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, avdeling for lærer- og tolkeutdanning




The Norwegian discourse about definition and use of core concepts, pedagogy of religious education (RE) and religion didactics will be discussed in an international perspective. A comparison of RE in Belgium, France and Scotland will be part of the analysis, together with a discussion of what the increasing numbers who tick the box “no religion” in European censuses means for the field, before I return to the question: what is pedagogy of religious education?

Keywords: pedagogy of religious education, secularity, plurality, globalisation, Norwegian debate

Nøkkelord: Religionspedagogikk, sekularitet, flertall, globalisering, norsk debatt
