’Everyone should be included in the new green people’s home’

A politolinguistic study of the Swedish Green Party’s 2022 election campaign


  • Charlotta Seiler Brylla Stockholms universitet




The Swedish Green Party, climate, politolinguistics, social media, recontextualisation, keywords, the green people’s home


This paper analyses the Swedish Green Party's 2022 election campaign, focusing on the topics, key concepts, and linguistic resources used. Using politolinguistic theory and methodology, the study analyses linguistic and visual representations from the party's election manifesto, campaign film, posters, and social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter prior to the election. While the climate issue was central to the Green Party's communication, the party also expanded its political profile to include an explicit promise of strengthened welfare for vulnerable populations, e.g. by recontextualising social democratic language. The party condensed its political vision into the keyword the new green people's home. The apocalyptic argumentation patterns used in the 2018 election were replaced by a more optimistic and inclusive slogan Everyone should be included when Sweden changes. The party's broadened profile was communicated through media appearances and campaign materials, while social media posts tended to target core voters by emphasizing the climate issue.

Author Biography

Charlotta Seiler Brylla, Stockholms universitet

Charlotta Seiler Brylla är sedan 2018 professor i tyska vid Stockholms universitet där hon undervisar i lingvistik och språkfärdighet. Hon disputerade 2003 på en avhandling om den tidiga tyska romantikens centrala begrepp. Hennes forskningsintressen rör framför allt (diskurs)semantik, (kritiska) diskursstudier och politolingvistik med ett särskilt fokus på totalitärt språkbruk i Tyskland. Därutöver intresserar hon sig för språkliga aspekter av högerpopulism, identitetspolitik och antisemitism. Två aktuella publikationer är Voices of supporters: Populist parties, social media and the 2019 European elections tillsammans med Veronika Koller et al. (John Benjamins 2023) och Religious and National Discourses - Contradictory Belonging, Minorities, Marginality and Centrality tillsammans med Hanna Acke et al. (De Gruyter 2023).





