Non-fiction, interaction and involment – nexus analysis as a methodological perspective in a clinical nursing environmen


  • Malene Kjær Aalborg Universitet



This paper introduces the framework, nexus analysis that enables researchers to analyse a practice with the purpose of change. The paper takes its starting point in a research project that investigated nursing students’ socialisation into clinical practice and their identity formation towards becoming acting nurses. Over a period of ten weeks the students managed to engage in countless complex nursing situations. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how the framework of nexus analysis can facilitate a triangulation of methods. The data corpus in the paper consists of web texts, political documents, interviews and video recordings from interactions in clinical practice. The paper shows findings where a triangulation of methods and data has provided nuanced findings on the nursing students’ socialisation process.

Author Biography

Malene Kjær, Aalborg Universitet

Malene Kjær er adjunkt ved Aalborg Universitet, Institut for Kommunikation, MATTERING – Center for Diskurs og Praksis. Hun forsker og underviser i interaktion, diskurs og læring primært inden for sundhedskommunikationsstudier. Hun interesserer sig særligt for praksisstudier, klinisk vejledning og nye studerendes socialiseringsproces ind i en fagidentitet.  Hun medvirker i forskningsprojekter, der stiller skarpt på kommunikation inden for 112 opkald, kommunikation i akut-medicinsk regi, samt generelt inden for professionel kommunikationsrådgivning. 

