Illicit Genres: The Case of Threatening Communications




threatening communications; illicit genres; genre studies; uptake; violent communication.


This study takes a novel approach to the study of threatening communications by arguing that they can be characterized as a genre – a genre that generally carries strong connotations of intimidation, fear, aggression, power, and coercion. We combine the theoretical framework of Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) with results from theoretical and empirical analyses of threats to arrive at a more comprehensive perspective of threats. Since threats do not form part of any regular curriculum of genres, we designed a survey to test how recognizable they are. While scholars on threats describe threatening communications as remarkably varied in form and contextual features, the majority of our respondents categorized test items as threats without prompts of any kind, indicating that threats are a recognizable genre. We propose that threatening communications belong to a wider category of illicit genres: i.e. genres that generally disrupt and upset society and commonly affect their targets negatively. The uptakes of illicit genres are very different from those of other genres, as the users of the genres often actively avoid naming them, making uptake communities significant shapers of illicit genres. The present study contributes to research on threatening communications, since genre theory sheds light on important situational factors affecting the interpretation of a text as a threat – this is a particularly contentious question when it comes to threats that are indirectly phrased. The study also contributes to genre theory by pointing to new territory for genre scholars to examine, namely illicit genres. Studies of illicit genres also have wider, societal benefits as they shed light on different kinds of problematic rhetorical behavior that are generally considered destructive or even dangerous.

Author Biographies

Marie Bojsen-Møller, Københavns Universitet

PhD fellow at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.

Sune Auken, University of Copenhagen

Associate professor of Danish literature at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.

Amy Devitt, University of Kansas

Chancellors Club Teaching Professor and Professor of English at the Department of English at the University of Kansas. 

Tanya Karoli Christensen, University of Copenhagen

Associate professor in Danish Language and Linguistics at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.


