Intellectual histories of school leadership: implications for professional preparation


  • Helen Gunter University of Manchester, UK and University of Oslo



School Leadership, Intellectual Histories, Leadership Preparation, Leadership Training.


Det skiftet som har funnet sted i England når det gjelder innholdet i og organiseringen av skolelederopplæringen, danner utgangspunktet for en presentasjon av et teoretisk rammeverk som kan hjelpe oss til å forstå utviklingen av skoleledelse som intellektuelt felt over tid. Rammeverket er basert på forskning om skoleledelse i en engelsk kontekst i løpet av de siste ti årene og består av fem kategorier som er gjensidig knyttet sammen: Kunnskapstradisjoner, kunnskapsformål, kunnskapsdomener, kontekster og nettverk. Ved hjelp av disse kategoriene identifiseres sentrale trender i utviklingen av skoleledelse som intellektuelt felt i England. Avslutningsvis vises det til implikasjoner om, med og for profesjonen og for videre forskning både i England i andre kontekster.

Nøkkelord: skoleledelse, forskningsfeltets intellektuelle historie, ledelsestrening, ledelsesutdanning

The shift from professional preparation for headship to leadership training in England is the site for the presentation and deployment of a framework for constructing intellectual histories of school leadership. The framework has been developed based on research undertaken in the past decade through conducting independently funded social science projects. The reading of field outputs combined with fieldwork data has produced a five-part framework that examines knowledge traditions, purposes, domains, contexts and networks. In using this framework to examine the intellectual history of the field in England I identify certain key trends in England, where I consider the implications of this about, with and for the profession and for further research both in England and in other contexts.

Keywords: school leadership, intellectual histories, leadership training, leadership preparation

Author Biography

Helen Gunter, University of Manchester, UK and University of Oslo

Helen Gunter is Professor of Educational Policy and Sarah Fielden Professor of Education in The Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester, UK, and Adjunct Professor II in the Curriculum Studies, Leadership and Educational Governance (CLEG) research group in the Faculty of Educational Sciences. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and recipient of the BELMAS Distinguished Service Award 2016. She co-edits the Journal of Educational Administration and History. Her work focuses on the politics of education policy and knowledge production in the field of school leadership. Her most recent books are: Leadership and the Reform of Education published in 2012 by Policy Press; Educational Leadership and Hannah Arendt published in 2014 by Routledge; An Intellectual History of School Leadership Practice and Research in 2016 by Bloomsbury Press. and Consultants and Consultancy: the Case of Education, coauthored with Colin Mills, 2016 by Springer.





How to Cite

Gunter, H. (2016). Intellectual histories of school leadership: implications for professional preparation. Acta Didactica Norge, 10(4), 27–47.



Thematic articles