The Sound of Authenticity

The Curation of Sound in the Home of a Writer


  • Mikkel Ellersgaard Sørensen Struer Museum
  • Jesper Bækgaard Museum Østjylland



From 2020 to 2022 Struer Museum in collaboration with academics from Aarhus University worked on the implementation of a soundscape for the historical house of author Johannes Buchholtz. The task was to make a historic soundscape that enhances the visitor experience without interfering with the authentic feeling of the house itself. It is argued that producing soundscapes for historical houses is made difficult partly by their defined settings and partly by demands for historization. By adopting an approach inspired by R. Murray Schafer’s acoustic design and thoughts of constructivist authenticity we produced a soundscape that was less restricted by historicizing thereby making it more flexible and better suited for enhancing visitor experience. We suggest that this is one way to engage more museums in the production of soundscapes for historical houses and discuss the experiences we made in the process.

Author Biographies

Mikkel Ellersgaard Sørensen, Struer Museum


Jesper Bækgaard, Museum Østjylland

Museum Director


