Ane Hejlskov Larsen, Rune Gade & André Wang Hansen (eds.). Cybermuseologi – kunst, museer og formidling i et digitalt perspektiv


  • Dagny Stuedahl



In this edited volume the three esteemed experts in the Danish landscape of museology and digital art – Ane Hejlskov, Rune Gade and André Wang Hansen – explore the new forms of expression and social relations that digital technologies bring to art museums. The volume contains contributions from 18 scholars, curators, artists, filmmakers and writers who present a multiplicity of entrances into how new technological potentials change curating and visitor communication in art and art museums. Given the interesting and multidisciplinary perspectives of the authors involved, the book paints a broad canvas of constituents of “cybermuseology”. This review will therefore focus on the overall contribution of the perspectives drawn up in the volume, and endeavour to discuss their implications for understanding art, museums and communication in a digital perspective. 




Book reviews