Følelser på museum


  • Martin Brandt Djupdræt
  • Henrik Hatt




affective learning, feelings, museum presentation and interpretation, empathy, creating relevance, Moesgård Museum, user survey


This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of feelings in a museum context. These trials were carried out at Moesgård Museum in Denmark, and consisted of a series of additions to the museum’s permanent exhibitions. The trial set-ups were designed to provide visitors with the best possible opportunities for emotionally relating to the exhibits in question. Observations as well as qualitative interviews were used to study which effects the trial set-ups had, seen in relation to the permanent exhibition, and whether it was possible to trace any effect regarding how the visitors experienced the rest of the exhibition.

The trials demonstrated that even very small efforts focused on creating an emotional response among visitors had the potential to create a greatly increased sense of relevance, empathy and interest in relation to the exhibits. It was also shown that space, and the sequential layout of space, also had significant potential for creating a sense of emotional empathy among visitors. 



