Det kannibaliska museet


  • Eva Persson



The cannabalistic museum

Jacques Hainard, director of Musée d’Ethnographie de Neuchâtel (MEN), Switzerland, is renowned and somewhat controversial for his temporary exhibitions shown annually since 1989. The exhibitions with their daring and provocative approach to current political and cul- tural fashions have served as an important source of inspiration for colleagues throughout Europe, who share the same eagerness to question and debate traditional ideas governing museum collecting and outreach. Eva Persson, herself a distinguished master of exhibitions for, inter alia, Riksutställningar and Arbetets Museum, Norrköping, now teaching at Linköpings University, has followed the development of Hainard’s work over the years. Here she gives her impressions of the 2003 exhibition at Neuchâtel, Le musée cannibale, where the presentation of foreign cultures in ethnographic museums is staged as a cannibalistic ritual. 


