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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • The text is formatted according to the guidelines for style and bibliography as described in the Author guidelines below.
  • The manuscript is not already published in or submitted to another journal.
  • The manuscript is in Microsoft Word or RTF format.

Author Guidelines

Prismet includes research articles, reflection articles, practice field reports, debate articles and book reviews. Articles assessed by peer reviewers and published in Prismet are recognised at level 1 in the Ministry of Education’s reward system for academic publishing. These articles are marked “research” (“forskning”) in the journal. Reflection articles and practice articles are shorter academic articles raising problems relevant to Religious education or presenting and reflecting on some form of practice. 


Manuscript requirements

Manuscripts sent to the journal must be finished and proofread by the author, and sent as an e-mail attachment to the editorial secretary of Prismet, Annbjørg Dalland ( Research articles should not normally exceed 40 000 characters, including spaces. Book reviews should normally be up to 7250 characters.

Manuscripts can be in Norwegian or any other Scandinavian language. We sometimes also publish English articles as an exception.

The article starts with a title and an abstract of about 100 words bringing out some of the main points. If the article is to be peer reviewed, the abstract should be handed in both in Norwegian and in English. After the abstract, the author’s name, year of birth, current position, address and e-mail address should be included. In research articles, keywords should also be written up. Then comes the article text. Tables and figures are numbered according to their placing in the text and attached as separate documents. Their placement in the text is marked with numbers in brackets, e.g.: (Table 1).


Copyright og license

See "Copyright notice" for information concerning copyright and licence policy


Publication fee

There is no submission fee or publication fee for non-research articles. From  2018 we need to ask for a publication fee of NOK 7 000 + VAT for research articles if the author has access to funding for Open Access publication and is not affiliated with an institution which supports Prismet on a regular basis.


Peer Review

If the author(s) wishes their manuscript to be peer reviewed, they must make this clear when they send it in.



References to literature are to be given in the text with author, year and page number where applicable. For example: (Harper 2005: 55). All referenced literature should be included in an alphabetical bibliography with full information at the end of the article, with the heading Bibliography.

Prismet uses APA 7th, but without the brackets around the year of publication in the bibliography, and authors' names should be written in full, not only in form of initials, in the bibliography.

If the author has more than one publication in the same year, and they are included in the bibliography, this can be marked with letters, e.g.: 2005a, 2005b, etc.


Follow the layout given in the examples below:

Leganger-Krogstad, Heid. 2011. The Religious Dimension of Intercultural Education. Contributions to a Contextual Understanding. Lit Verlag.

Brekke, Øystein. 2018. «Religionskritikk i klasserommet. Fag, kritikk og ontologi i norsk skule.» Prismet, 69(2-3), 107-131.

Thobro, Suzanne Anett. 2014. «Cartographic Representations of Religion(s) in Norwegian Textbooks.» In Bengt-Ove Andreassen & James R. Lewis (Eds.), Textbook Gods - Genre, Text and Teaching Religious Studies (pp 157-171).  Equinox eBooks Publishing.

Kierkegaard, Søren. [1844] 2004. Filosofiske smuler. Damm. Original title: «Philosophiske Smuler, eller en Smule Philosophie».

Henriksen, Jan-Olav. 2005, 25. nov. «Habermas som religionsfilosof». Morgenbladet.

DOI: If referring an article published online, please check if the article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier - permanent identifier), and refer to the DOI instead of the URL. Here is a site where you can check if articles have a DOI:



Footnotes are reserved for detailed comments that expand on the article text. The literature list is not to be included as footnotes. The number for the footnote is to be placed after the word it refers to or after the punctuation at the end of the sentence.



Half-bold and underlining are not to be used in the main text. Use italics only to emphasise book titles and artwork, and if it is vital to mark important individual words. Words from other languages should be italicised.



If the quotation is three lines or shorter in the main text, it is to be marked with quotation marks. If it is three lines or more, it is to be marked with indentation or compressed (single line spacing and smaller font). 

  • If quotations are translated by the author(s), this must be explicitly mentioned in the text.
  • If the quotation has been edited so that only part of the text is given, this is marked with square brackets in the following way: […].
  • If the author makes their own comments or corrections to the quotation, for example changing a letter from a capital to lower case, this is marked with square brackets. “[c]hildren’s theology […]”
  • If a quotation is being given with a linguistic error or typo, this can be drawn attention to by writing [sic!], [sic] or [!] after the error.



Numbers from one to ten are written in letters. Numbers from 11 and upwards are written with digits.



Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses that are sent to this journal and website will only be used for the purposes of the journal itself or as a consequence of licit legal action, and will not be made available either for other purposes or other parties.