Arbeid med religiøse skrifter i mangfoldige klasserom. En undersøkelse av religions­didaktiske innføringsbøker


  • Synnøve Markeng Stipendiat, Høgskolen i Innlandet, Hamar



This article discusses different approaches toward religious scripture in Norwegian textbooks for teacher education, published between 1997 and 2021. James Watts’ research on the ritualization of religious scripture is the main analytical framework. This study finds that the didactical textbooks emphasize the semantic dimension, that is the meaning and content of the texts. But there are also some suggestions on how to work with the expressive dimension, which could be visual, audial, or graphic expressions of scripture. However, there are no examples of working with an iconic dimension, which would be what special treatment religious scriptures require. The results show differences in the 'carefulness’ which are expressed in relation to the semantic and the expressive dimension. Furthermore, I consider whether a Protestant understanding of religious scripture, religious plurality, and a more scientific framework for methods in religious education could be probable explanations as to why these approaches and ideas about religious scripture are kept continuous in textbooks for teacher education.


Keywords: Religious scriptures, sacred texts, RE didactical textbooks, teacher education, RE in Norway

