Essensialisme og undervisning i jødedom etter LK20


  • Morten Beckmann Førsteamanuensis, Institutt for religion, filosofi og historie, Universitetet i Agder



The article discusses challenges and opportunities for teaching about Judaism in the light of the new curriculum for religious education in Norway (LK20). The article has got two parts. The first part traces the development of the new curriculum in KRLE, from the first draft to the final plan (LK20). The analysis demonstrates that the first draft facilitated a constructivist understanding of religion, but that certain formulations facilitating essentialism were introduced during the process. In the light of the current academic debate on the “world religion paradigm”, the challenge linked to essentialism, and Judaism in particular, is discussed. The second part of the article deals with how Judaism is presented in two textbooks adapted to LK20, including Store spørsmål 8–10 by Aschehoug and KRLE 8 by Cappelen Damm. The article demonstrates that they both focus on Jewish diversity to a very small extent, and primarily deal with religion on the traditional level, albeit in very different ways.

Key words: essentialism, LK20, world religion paradigm, Judaism, textbooks, KRLE

