Islamskoler i Norge: Om virkelighet og idealer


  • Hildegunn Valen Kleive Førsteamanuensis, Høgskulen i Volda
  • Vebjørn Horsfjord Professor, Høgskolen i Innlandet (nå: dekan, Fakultet for teologi og samfunnsvitenskap, VID vitenskapelige høgskole).



The article builds on observations and interviews in contexts of non-formal Islamic education in four mosques in Norway. Among both teachers, students, and parents there are ongoing negotiations between normative Islamic ideals and everyday practices and theological understandings. Leaders in the mosques as well as parents seek to strengthen normative versions of Islam while at the same time accepting that such norms are not necessarily realised in everyday life. The authors use perspectives from everyday lived religion as well as the notion of maximalist representations of Islam.     

Keywords: non-formal faith education, Islam, mosque, youth, ideals

