«Heksebrenningen var dum. Men – hvorfor skjedde det?»

Utfordringer og muligheter tilknyttet undervisning om religionskritikk


  • Sebastian Tjelle Jarmer Stipendiat, MF vitenskapelig høyskole for teologi, religion og samfunn




In recent times, criticism of religion has become an important part of the curriculum for upper secondary schools, and is explicitly mentioned as a competence aim in the curriculum for Religion and ethics in LK20. There is still little research on how critique of religion is operationalized in the classroom. This article discusses teaching about criticism of religion in religious education based on 13 interviews with teachers, 4 focus groups with students (n=16), and 4 observations of planned teaching about criticism of religion in Norwegian upper secondary schools. The contribution emphasizes, in dialogue with theory from post-critical pedagogy, the diversity of the criticism of religion as it is articulated by the actors in the schools. The article has three interrelated theoretical arguments: 1) negative criticism of religion still has a place in the subject of religious education, but in conditional forms, 2) negative criticism of religion must be integrated as a part of a comprehensive religious education that also emphasizes constructive perspectives, and 3) criticism of religion is not necessarily only a negative activity, but is also operationalized as a practice aimed at developing analytical skills and increased understanding.

Keywords: Criticism of religion, post-critique, religious didactics, critical thinking

