Innenfraperspektiver og anerkjennelse i samisk kirkelig ungdomsarbeid


  • Line M. Skum Universitetslektor og fagansvarlig for Praktisk-kirkelig diakoniutdanning, Kirkelig utdanningssenter nord / Girkolaš Oahpahusguovddáš Davvin (KUN) – VID Tromsø.



The article highlights what was important for Sámi youths choosing to participate in Sámi youth- and leadership camps organized by the Sámi Church Council in the period 2012–2017. The article is based on a pilot project where three Sámi youths were interviewed after having participated in two or more youth and leadership camps during this period. The findings will, in this article, be discussed in the light of personal and professional inside and outside perspectives on religious education and recognition. The youths’ experience of recognition of diverse Sámi identities and Sámi languages by the leaders was of great importance for well-being and the desire to participate in similar events. The leaders’ recognition is linked to their inside perspectives on Sámi language, culture and spiritual traditions, and this was also expressed in the content of the camps.

Keywords: Sámi faith education, acknowledgement, inside perspectives, Sámi Church Council


