How to educate professionals for learning new knowledge? A comparison of learning approaches in Dutch and Norwegian pastor education.


  • Ingrid Reite Christiansen Ph.D, førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge



Is there a way to know how to deal with and to act when unexpected challenges press on? In this article, I will explore how to educate for learning new knowledge in value-based professions. Taking a starting point in the sociomaterial learning theories of Paavola and Hakkarainen (2005) I analyse the course descriptions in the professional pastor education in the Netherlands and in Norway. The findings show unexpected and various practices of learning new knowledge in the Dutch and the Norwegian pastor education. Based on these findings I present a model for how professional education can develop learning new knowledge.

Nøkkelord: Profesjonell læring, faglig utdanning, kunnskaping, endring av kunnskapssamfunn, pastorutdanning