RLE-lærere som bibellesere


  • Ole Kolbjørn Kjørven Førsteamanuensis i religionsdidaktikk ved Høgskolen i Hedmark




In this article I present and discuss the findings from an empirical study on RE teachers as readers and interpreters of religious narratives, in this particular case, the biblical parable The Prodigal Son. I explore and describe the role of the RE teachers and the role of this particular text, and most importantly, the transaction between the two in the process of meaning-making (Rosenblatt, 1994). The main purpose is to expose the complexity in meaning-making processes and from that basis discuss what could be the implications for engaging in religious narratives, and also subject matters in general, in school and in teacher education.

Keywords: Religious education, religious education research, religious literacy, literacy practices, religious education teachers

Nøkkelord: Religionsdidaktikk, religiøs literacy, tekstolkning, religionslærere